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July greetings

Dear all members and member organizations of the European Federation for Sexology!   For the love of sexuality and diversity. Grimstad Norway July 29th 2024   As summer slowly, very slowly, fades here on the Northern hemisphere, we see August coming. The month...

PCO BID 2026

BID for PCO willing to organize the 2026 EFS congress: Open now!     To all companies and agencies that might be interested, The EFS has open a new BID for PCO willing to collaborate for the organization of the 2026 congress. To apply to this BID, it is...


Join IOSS!  EFS partnered with International Online Sexology Supervisors (IOSS), a digital platform providing continuous education for sexologists worldwide. With contributions from more than 60 top scientists in our field, IOSS has built a premier video library on...