March letter 2025 March in the North is the time when Nature in a tense span of time moves from ice to melt. Spectacular beauties rise from the soil, rivers and creeks are flooding and birds sing serenades to the morning sun. Some things happen also within our...
European federation of sexology
The heart of sexology in Europe

EFS promotes excellent and ethical practice in education, knowledge, and skills to celebrate sexual health, intimacy, and diversity with compassion, free from prejudice and violence.

EFS and other sexology events in Europe and around the world

News on sexology
Stay updated!
Dear members of the European Federation for Sexology,
It has become my duty to be President of EFS for the four years to come.
This makes me both humble, ignited and happy.
I have stated before and repeat now, that I actually had no ambition of becoming president of anything now at the age of 75. Nevertheless, as I have been elected and have taken this task upon me, I do have ambitions:
Who we are
EFS History
What is EFS and how it was born
Let’s tell our story…
Executive committee
It is in charge of and responsible for the management of the Federation, and of any form of EFS activity in accordance with resolutions of the General Assembly.
Scientific Committee
To take part in realizing the scientific program for the EFS Congress, structuring monothematic courses to be offered to the Member Societies and drafting documents for insiders such as guidelines and e-books..
Educational committee
To develop and propose the European Standards for training in sexology at different levels (Sex Educator, Counsellor and Therapist), to accredit European courses, seminaries and trainings and to collaborate with the European Society for Sexual Medicine (ESSM) for the EFS & ESSM Certified Psycho-Sexologist (ECPS) exams.
Youth committee
To take part in realizing research projects for young people, helping to organize EFS Congress, managing social networks and media contact for the broadcasting of scientific news.
Officers roles
The executive committee includes 4 officers: President, President Elect, Secretary General and Treasurer.
About Us
EFS recognizes sexuality as central to human life, health, well-being, and human rights. EFS is the voice and the core network for professionals working in sexology in Europe.
Our Activities
Sexologies is the organ of the EFS, which allows members to publish their papers, have a subscription at reduced rate and receive advanced information on EFS meetings
EFS is part of a broader network in sexual health and sexual medicine
The EFS and ESSM Psycho-sexology Accreditation Committee. The ESSM and EFS collaborate to guarantee and promote the highest standards of healthcare in the field of Sexology and Sexual Medicine.
ESSM School
Participants of the ESSM School of Sexual Medicine will have the opportunity to learn the essentials of sexuality that are necessary for effective clinical practice.
EFS & ESSM Syllabus
A textbook which covers all the different aspects of Clinical Sexology and the contents of the exam for the qualification in Sexology, the ECPS.
EFS & ESSM Petitions
Join our voice to have sexual health education to medical and psychology students in Europe!
Our Resources



Gold Medal
Our award of excellence
join Us
Become a member of the biggest network of sexual health associations and professionals in Europe.

Sexuality is central to human life, health, wellbeing, and human rights
february 2025
February letter 2025 In Europe, spring is both hesitating, budding and blooming all depending on where you dwell on the European continent. Even in Norway, the rays from the sun add a little warmth to our cheeks. This yearly joy brings energy and vitality. EFS...
Early Career Group
Introducing the Early Careers Committee! We’re excited to announce the launch of the Early Careers Committee within the EFS! We, Tabea and Sarah, met as students at the EFS conference in Bologna and had the idea to create a dedicated space for EFS members in the...
January 2025 letter
January letter 2025 In this month many people around the world felt as if an abyss opened under their feet. This was also the case in Europe, and students at my University of Agder are calling out for responses from fellow sexologists. I take it that they are...