Our resources

Sexologies is the organ of the EFS, which allows members to publish their papers, have a subscription at reduced rate and receive advanced information on EFS meetings

EFS is part of a broader network in sexual health and sexual medicine

The EFS and ESSM Psycho-sexology Accreditation Committee. The ESSM and EFS collaborate to guarantee and promote the highest standards of healthcare in the field of Sexology and Sexual Medicine.
ESSM School
Participants of the ESSM School of Sexual Medicine will have the opportunity to learn the essentials of sexuality that are necessary for effective clinical practice.

EFS & ESSM Syllabus
A textbook which covers all the different aspects of Clinical Sexology and the contents of the exam for the qualification in Sexology, the ECPS.

EFS & ESSM Petitions
Join our voice to have sexual health education to medical and psychology students in Europe!

Gold Medals
Our award of excellence

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